Funny old thing PR … you can spend ages banging on doors, sending off articles, thinking up ideas and getting nowhere. Of course, if it’s your own business, you are bound to be biased – ‘why wouldn’t they want to write about my styling work, feature my home-staging projects, call on my property expertise?’ – every company wants an injection of free publicity… don’t they?!
So, to get an email or call out of the blue from a “National” publication is always a thrill. It’s a kind of validation that you are an ‘expert in your field’, do know what you are talking about and have the knowledge to contribute to the article. Also, secretly, everyone hopes that a mention will open the floodgates and propell you (and your business) to the forefront of everyones minds … for a day or so at least!
Nothing is ever guaranteed, not even the journalist is ever sure it when or if it will make the papers and rarely, as you’re just the one providing the information, do you get to know which bits of your interview will actually get published.
But twice, in the last couple of months, I have had a call or, as the case this week, an email from a ‘National’ 🙂
I’m flattered to have been asked to contribute to a number of websites, blogs and newspaper articles. Usually, these have come through getting to know the business owner or journalist via friends and networking connections. Then, when a topic has come up for discussion or, they need a piece on property marketing, they already know what I do or how I can help and a quote ‘from me’ has been included.
This time though the email was from a stranger, working for the Daily Mail!
The email led to a phone interview and further emails, as information was exchanged and questions asked. I waffled on about case histories and how amazing property styling could be, what a difference it could make to the value of a property, how people buy homes with emotion not logic, the importance of correct online marketing and how selling empty (of furniture) properties is a complete no no…………..
I am sure the guy requesting the information was bored rigid but he was very polite and, enthusiastically thanked me for my efforts and assured me that if he used any of my quotes/information The Property Styling Company would get a mention. Result!
Well today, Friday October 7th 2011 ‘we’ did get a mention in the Property Mail section of the paper. I got a name check, the website got published and a telephone number included (thankfully no photo!) … I can now use the quote “As seen in the Daily Mail”
My mother was convinced that with all the time I’d spent talking to him and exchanging emails I’d “practically written the whole article for him” .. and if you see below, yes Mum I practically did 😉
And if you can’t read what it says above … >> a transcript follows below
Helen Silver, of The Property Styling Company (07789 488446, believes sellers can add at least 10 per cent to the value of their property by employing a professional stylist.
She decluttered and restyled a four-bedroom home in Swindon valued at £275,000 — now it’s on sale for £320,000.