Whilst Estate Agents are experts in selling property and closing the deal, many are not ‘design savvy’. 

That’s not to say they don’t know what factors help sell a property but it can be difficult to get a property into the best-selling condition, in a timely manner, without some sort of professional assistance.

Preparing a property for sale before you go on the market, before you even enlist your agent, gives your property the edge.  Estate Agents are the same as the rest of us.  If they call to value before a property is ready and consider it will be a ‘hard sell’ – the overall valuation is likely to be lower.

Property Styling works to achieve the best-selling conditions to effectively promote a property in the marketplace.  You wouldn’t sell a car without giving it a good clean and polish would you? So why advertise your property without sprucing it up a bit first?

Know your market.  If it’s a buyers market, you really need to pull out all the stops to sell for a decent price and to motivate the buyer to make an offer.  If a buyer’s afraid that someone will jump in and buy their ‘dream home’ they will take action but if there’s no real incentive to buy, they’ll continuing viewing lots of other properties, possibly waiting for the prices to drop.

In a seller’s market, Property Styling can help you achieve a quick sale and potentially achieve a higher price than you were asking!

Whatever market you are in, it’s pays to do something.  You are marketing your biggest asset, launching a new product if you like; putting it out there for all to see.  It’s always wise to style but the key to Property Styling is appealing to the largest audience … that’s what it’s really all about!